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i wear a face now

visible only

in the spectrum of dim shutoff

there /

barely a diaphanous cloak of calm

mine eyes ooze

acid puss of doubt

my heart muffed mad years ago

by the big cynic mallet left too long

on that singing muscle

of the spirit of me




his burning gut



fragrant disavowal

to an empty cellar

\ three floors up

stark facts

wait undressed

on nervous sheets





copyright 2016























About a. edward watkins

With the exception of 2 years study of western music theory and harmony- I am a self taught percussionist, writer and abstract painter. Not your drummer boy drummer - not your writerly writer nor the painterly painter. Creativity is an integral aspect of my existence - as it is for us all - in some form or another. My experiences in life have informed and shaped my world view profoundly. I am the disrupter - the never quite satisfied - the relentless creator of word, sound and image. I question the answers and question the questions.

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